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Why Choose Play-Based Learning?

Though there are many approaches to early education, we have seen the benefits of play-based learning first-hand at our brick-and-mortar school, Harmony Natural Learning Center, since the day we opened in 2010.

We created our Harmony at Home curriculum to extend the benefits of these years of experience–and the well-documented, long-term advantages of play-based learning–with you, wherever you are in the world. We've summarized the key advantages and basic facets of play-based learning below.

Children Regularly Engaged In Play-Based Learning...

  • are more likely to grow to be well-adjusted, healthy adults

  • become adept at emotional self-regulation (the ability to produce socially appropriate emotional responses in less-than-ideal situations)

  • master impulse control (the ability to regulate or prevent a socially inappropriate urge or action) and avoid negative behaviors

  • learn to build relationships, resolve conflict, and successfully navigate peer interactions

  • exhibit increased feelings of achievement and optimism as they make their own choices

  • demonstrate improved wellbeing, as play is a known stress release

  • more effectively develop the basics of literacy, math, and scientific concepts

  • learn to explore, identify, negotiate, take risks, and create meaning

  • are more likely to have well-developed memory skills and language development

  • benefit from equal or better results in academic skills than those denied play

  • experience enhanced school adjustment and academic learning

Qualities of Play-Based Learning:

  • learning happens through fun, engaging experiences connected to children’s lives

  • indoor and outdoor areas facilitate play and learning

  • varied play spaces and materials are offered: art, dramatic play, sensory, construction

  • children choose materials, play independently, and transform play spaces

  • children’s uninterrupted play—when they get transfixed by an activity—is protected, laying the groundwork for vital learning skills like concentration and attention span

  • reading, writing, and math are introduced through real, meaningful situations and active learning rather than disconnected, passive, classroom instruction

  • different abilities and learning styles are recognized and catered to

  • children can work alone or with others—educators can discern whether a child needs solo space or togetherness for optimum learning

  • there is a balance of child-led, child initiated, and educator-supported learning

  • children’s ideas and interests are allowed to create new experiences

  • educators are empowered to recognize spontaneous teachable moments as they occur and adjust the environment and routine—customizing each experience to the needs and interests of each individual group of children

Your child(ren) engaged in play-based learning may look something like these children following Harmony curriculum, or your child's interests may lead you to an experience that looks completely different. The beauty of play-based learning is that no two children's experiences are exactly alike.

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